Urban and Wilderness Survival

This two hour course covers the basic needs of Survival for many various social crisis situations. As, Urban and Wilderness Survival works in concert with Self Defense, it was crucial that all of the students learn to be independent, rather than co-dependent at a time of crisis. Wilderness Survival is vast topic where knowing and understanding the different skills will lend themselves to a person. During this course, the session covers the following basic knowledge below to give any beginner a head start in becoming independent during a time of social crisis.


Course Topics

The separation between surviving and thriving

It’s not paranoia, it’s preparation that will contribute to the outcome.

The E.D.C and the B.O.B and what are the differences?

E.D.C. = Every Day Carry

B.O.B. = Bug Out Bag

Your FIVE basic elements of Survival

The Rules of THREE

Complete list of E.D.C. and B.OB. Items

Necessity Exercises

(A set of physical and mental exercises to demonstrate key concepts)

Practice for Perfection

Note: This course has a requirement of 6-12 individuals for booking

Knowing and Understanding are two different things
— Hanshi Nimr Hassan